- Normally, an oraInventory directory will be created in the system when we run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) first time on a system.
Oracle Inventory - oraInventory
- oraInventory is repository which stores the oracle software products and their home locations (ORACLE_HOME) in a system. This oraInventory is created on the first run of the Oracle Universal Installer in the system.
- There are two types of Inventories. They are,
1. Global Inventory - which is also known as Central Inventory.
2. Local Inventory - Oracle Home Inventory.
Global Inventory
- Global Inventory consists of the information of all the Oracle Products installed in a machine. inventory.xml is the file where it lists all the ORACLE_HOMEs installed in the system.
Local Inventory
- Each Oracle Home consists of its own Inventory File which is called the Local Inventory or Oracle Home Inventory. Each Oracle Inventory contains the information of its respective ORACLE_HOME.
- There is also a file called comps.xml,which contains all the components as well as patchsets or interim patches installed in the ORACLE_HOME.
- No down time is required to create the Global Inventory (oraInventory).
- If you have a corrupted or improper Oracle Inventory, you can rename it using the mv command as below.,
mv oraInventory oraInventory_Old
- To determine or find the oraInventory is location in the system open the file 'oraInst.loc'. This file will be located in the below locations depending upon your platform.
or /etc/oraInst.loc
- The file oraInst.loc looks as below,
To find the ORACLE_HOME & ORACLE_HOME name
- You can view it from the old Oracle Inventory file located in
cat /app/oracle/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle Corporation. All rights Reserved -->
<!-- Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. -->
<HOME NAME="orahome_1" LOC="/app/oracle/product/" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/>
<HOME NAME="agent10g" LOC="/app/oracle/product/agent10g" TYPE="O" IDX="2"/>
- Go to the Oracle Universal Installer location for creating the Oracle oraInventory,
- If you have more than one Oracle product installed in your machine/system, then you have to update the inventory file for all the Oracle Home.
- When there is multiple Oracle Homes then, you have to run the oui in their respective homes separately.
$ ./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="/app/oracle/" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="orahome_1"
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
>>> Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...
The inventory pointer is located at /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
The inventory is located at /app/oracle/oraInventory
'AttachHome' was successful.
For example if you have Oracle agent installed in your machine, then you should run it in AGENT_HOME,
$ ./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="/app/oracle/product/agent10g" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="agent10g"
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
>>> Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...
The inventory pointer is located at /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
The inventory is located at /app/oracle/oraInventory
'AttachHome' was successful.
HomeZada provides a single online application to manage all the digital records of your home.